why not的同义词的相关图片

why not的同义词

下面围绕“why not的同义词”主题解决网友的困惑

why not的同义词是哪个

whynot是“为什么不”的意思du,同义词是why don't why,英文单词,副词、感叹词、名词,作副词时意为“为什么;(...

why not的同义词是哪个

why not=What about =how about =could you=would you,因为这些短语都是表示祈使,请求。希望得到肯定回答的

why not的同意词

Why not+V.=Why don't you+V.=How about +V.ing=What about+V.ing 都表示“为什么不...呢?一般用于建议,请求别人的意见。回答一般用go ahead 或者Good idea.

why not 后面加动词原形还是-ing形式?

加动词原形。Why not do sth,你为什么不...why not 读音:英 [waɪ nɒt] 美 [waɪ nɑːt]释义...

why not是什么意思

why not 英 [hwai nɔt] 美 [hwaɪ nɑt]释义:何妨;何不;1.(回答问句)好的,当然2.(回答否定语句)为什么呢?何不,或...不好吗?同义参见:yes 例句 She ju...

Why not与什么同义

Why not?和这些短语有相同意思 (但要看语境):Certainly!Of Course!Sure!Yes!例:We should dream big. When doubters ask, "can man conquer space?" I say, "...

why not的同义词租

why don't you how about doing sth


why dont和why not是同义短语,改为同义句的结构是why don’t you="why" not+动词原形。例如:Why don’t you ask T...

why not同义句转换

why not同义句转换:Why not =why dont you do sth =what about doing sth =how about doing sth 扩展资料 例句:why not go to the park?Why not go out ...

Why not 有哪些同义句?

Why not =why don't you do sth =what about doing sth =how about doing sth 有不会的可以再问我

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