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Turn off the tap immediately, and carefully check whether the tap is turned off before going out and going t...关于”节约用水小“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Saving water。以下是关于节约用水小高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。 高分英语作文1:Saving water Wit...

5、尽量缩短每天洗澡的时间。Try to shorten the time of bathing every day.6、刷牙时应先把水龙头关掉,用漱口杯...节约用水的建议5条英语: 1.Fix any leaks in your home's plumbing as soon as you notice them. 2.Take shorter showers and turn off the water while you're lathering up...

1 工业用水定额:钢铁 一,适用范围 本用水定额适用于现有钢铁企业计划用水管理,节约用水监 督考核等相关节约用水管理工作,以及新建(改建,扩建)钢铁 企业的水资...学以致用,提升自身的环保意识和节水自觉性.以及提倡人们自觉节约用水保护环境 研究的主要内容和思路 1、讲出人们对水浪费,污染的不正确性 2、提出如何水资源及...

针对以上现象,我提出如下建议,望您采纳: 1、学校开展“节约用水”的专题班会,增强同学们节约用水的意识,让同学们认知淡水资源的宝贵。 2、在升旗仪式等其他集...节约用水英文作文 篇1 As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But som...