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10. 今天不节水,明天无泪流。 11. Benefits are comfortable and pains are spent. 12. 要像爱护眼睛一样珍惜水资源。 13. Thrift is a property in itself...7、节省水资源Save water resources 节约用水,刷牙时关闭水龙头。Save water and turn off the tap when brushing ...

╯△╰ 勤俭节约减少浪费的建议英语 1.Save energy, save money, and save the environment.(节约能源,节省金钱,保护环境。) 2.Don't be wasteful, use only what you need.(不要浪...保护环境的十条建议英语句子 The environment is a precious resource that we all share. It's important to protect it for ourselves and for future generations. Here a...

百度爱伴功提供各种日常工作模板和学习资料,主要内容包含:给公司提建议10条多篇给公司提建议10条、节约用电的建议20条小学生、给领导提建议10条、10条对公司改善建议、给应届...水能源和电能源,都是生活中很重要的,有电我们才能够在夜晚写英语作文,有水,我们渴了才能喝。下面是小编给大家整理的如何节约能源英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何节...

or step on the lawn.爱护花草、树木绿化环境,不折花木、不踏草坪。9.Save water and don't let the last drop of water be our tears.节约用水 ,不要让最后一滴水是我们的眼泪 ...5、not throw any litter onto the ground。不扔垃圾在地上。6、Don't throw anything into the rivers. 不要向河...