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●ω● A Let’s talk对话课试讲说课稿(10分钟)理论知识:1. Skeleton骨架文本教学 2. 英语学科核心素养 试...英⽂说课稿篇1   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.  I have been ready to begin this ...

教师招聘面试,小学英语每册每课说课稿,一次备好,考上编制,加油! 《My family》说课稿 Good afternoon, my dear judges, I’m No.1, it’s my great honor to stand here to share ...英语说课稿 1 一.说教材 1. 教材内容 本节课主要学习食物和饮料的单词和相关句型,并通过完成一个puzzle,让学生学会运用(Maria)likes…的 句型,通过学习初步领会...

英文说课稿 篇1 英语说课稿(英文版) 8B Unit 3 Online Travel Reading Around the world in eight hours Good afternoon, everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B...英文说课稿 篇1 Good morning, everyone, Today, it’s a pleasure for me to stand here and I’m very pleased to have such an opportunity to share some ...

˙▽˙ 点击上面蓝字“顺德初中英语”关注我们 A Brief Instruction to the topic of“What should I do?” Shangyuan Middle School Li Yicai Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My ...英文说课稿 篇1 Good afternoon, every one. It is my great honor to stand here to present my lesson. To make my presentation clearer, I will explain m...

1.英语说课稿万能模板 课题:___课时:___ 课型:___(新授课复习课检查课) (一)教学目标 1、知识与技能 (1)能听、说、认读___等单词,并能在日常生活中使用。 (2)能听懂、会说___等句子...Wonderful. Then , let’s call it a day. See you tomorrow. 初中英语 《How was your school trip》逐字稿 Greeting & Lead in Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, how are you?...